Like Mother
September 25 - November 1
Panel Discussion and Closing Reception: Wednesday, November 1, noon

LIKE MOTHER refers to the phrase "like mother, like daughter". This group show of (primarily) multi-cultural women artists pays tribute to our moms.
Deborah Ann
Carolyn Autenrieth
Diem Chau
James Cheng
Marilyn Charlat Dix
Margaret Chodos Irvine
Mary Coss
Marita Dingus
Maura Donegan
Cathy Fields
David Francis
Malayka Gormally
Troy Gua
Liza Halvorsen
Dionne Haroutounian
Lauren Iida
Steve Jensen
Iskra Johnson
Deborah Faye Lawrence
L. Kelly Lyles
Rozarii Lynch
Carol Milne
Saya Moriyasu
Lisa Myers Bulmash
Jane Orleman
Pohlman Knowles
Joan Stuart Ross
Blanca Santander
June Sekiguchi
Rachel Solimeno
Elana Winsberg
Suze Woolf
Image to the right Lauren Iida, Nourish/Devour, Hand-cut paper, India Ink, 22 x 13 inches, 2017

Artist statement